Case Study

Cooling a Thermal Fume Incinerator

The problem: a metal manufacturing and recycling facility faced the challenge of optimizing their HVAC system to save energy and enhance operational efficiency.



Metal manufacturing and recycling

Lead Time

12 weeks post-design approval


Custom cooling Towers


Ohio, USA

Applied Capabilities

Custom unit design, fabrication, on-site consultation


316l and 304L stainless steel and carbon steel

Heat and Air Specifications

Primary Heat Exchanger:

Recover 13,200 SCFM of 1,600ᵒF hot air leaving thermal fume incinerator.
Capture 17,850 SCFM outside air heated up to 800ᵒF.

Secondary Heat Exchanger:

Cool primary exchanger exhaust air stream down to 450ᵒF before entering a baghouse.
Cool air stream for each exchanger 10,000 SCFM of 90ᵒF outside air.

The opportunity: to harness the heat generated by their thermal fume incinerator, a crucial component in their brass and copper chip recycler dryer system.

With a keen understanding of our client's unique needs, we crafted a solution to effectively capture and utilize the excess heat from the thermal fume incinerator. Our primary heat exchanger was engineered to recover heat from the incinerator's exhaust, heating an impressive 17,850 SCFM of outside air up to 800ᵒF for reuse. Additionally, our secondary exchanger efficiently cooled the exhaust air stream down to 450ᵒF before it entered a secondary system, ensuring optimal performance of the baghouse filtration system.

By installing our customized heat exchange system, our client not only achieved substantial energy savings but also enhanced their operational efficiency. At PRE-heat Inc., we take pride in delivering tailor-made solutions that exceed customer expectations, setting new standards for quality and efficiency in the industry.

Case Study

Exchangers for Petrochemical Producer

Case Study

Fume Incinerator Custom Cooling Towers